Scott Newman

Computer Science student located in Arlington, VA

Find Out More About Me

Hi! I'm Scott.

I'm a full-time student at George Mason University and full stack developer. These stacks include Python, C#/.NET, and MEAN. I'm currently looking to use my software development skills for the 2022 summer.

Dojo Activity Center

Dojo Activity Center is a basic site where users can create activities and join others. This project is similar to Pix in that it features registration/login validations, password hashing, and multiple schema relationships.

Technologies: C#, ASP.Net, MySQL

Click here to check it out

Pet Shelter

Pet Shelter is a site where users can either upload information on adoptable pets or adopt themselves. This project features the creation and utilization of a RESTful API using CRUD functions.

Technologies: JavaScript, Angular, Node.js, Express, MongoDB

Click here to check it out

Contact Me!


Arlington VA


(443) 752-9172